Arts on Tap! Wisconsin Poet Laureate, Kim Blaeser
August 4, 2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Warehouse will be hosting Wisconsin Poet Laureate, Kimberly Blaeser, on August 4 from 7pm – 9pm as presenter for Arts on Tap.
The Poet Laureate plays a crucial role in keeping the arts accessible and vital to all age groups, and acts as a statewide emissary for poetry and creativity. We are honored to have her visit us in Eagle River.
Kimberly Blaeser, the Wisconsin Poet Laureate for 2015–2016, lives in Lyons Township (midway between Burlington and Lake Geneva), Wisconsin. Drawing on literal observation and the power of metaphor, Blaeser’s poems create complex harmonies between the vibrant natural world and the resonant human imagination.
author of three acclaimed poetry collections—Absentee Indians and Other Poems, Apprenticed to Justice, and Trailing You—Blaeser has seen her work earn many and various recognitions, nationally and internationally. Reviewing the many “moments of uncanny epiphany” in her poems, critic Tom Gannon describes Blaeser as a “brilliant naturist.” Describing Absentee Indians and Other Poems, award winning poet and activist, Joy Harjo, writes “[t]hese poems are small sure lights in the darkness—poems to lead us home.”
You can read more about Ms. Blaeser’s work on her website,
Broadsides of one of Blaeser’s poems, Manoominike Giizis (Ojibwe Wild Rice Moon), will be available for sale to support the work of the Poet Laureate. The poem was printed by The Mill Paper and Book Arts – Daniel Goscha (of Red Kite Press, currently in Madison Wisconsin) designed and letter press printed the poem with a limited edition of broadsides produced on handmade paper of cattail leaves and cotton, created at Circle of Life Studio in Eagle River by hand papermaker/artist Debbie Jircik. (Note: August to September is the time of the Wild Rice Moon).
As always, Arts on Tap is a free event, and our cash bar will be open.
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