Arts on Tap: To Spring from the Hand Film Screening & Conversation
Arts On Tap
June 16, 2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Phone: 715-479-4060
Arts on Tap, co-sponsored by Olson Memorial Library, is a new monthly program featuring performance, presentation and conversation with Northwoods and Wisconsin-based artists.
As part of our celebration of June as Clay Month at the Warehouse, Arts on Tap features a special screening of the film, TO SPRING FROM THE HAND: THE LIFE AND WORK OF PAULUS BERENSOHN. Paulus Berensohn wrote the classic ceramics book, “Finding One’s Way with Clay”. The film follows the work of this acclaimed artist.
After the film, we’ll have conversations with Warehouse Ceramics staff John Langer, Cheryl Leigh Kornely, and Debbie Ketchum Jircik.